EWP over 11m

You are booking in for training and assessment to obtain a High Risk Work Licence to operate an Elevating Work Platform over 11m boom length. Training and assessment can be conducted on outrigger based or mobile EWP in accordance with your current or intended workplace.

The course is 3 days, however those with experience in using Elevating Work Platforms in the workplace may be able to reduce their training time on review with the trainer.

Please feel free to contact us on 1300 001 487 if your require any assistance selecting a course option.

Day 1 consists of an introduction to the theory of safe EWP operation and familiarisation with terminology and common safety practices in the workplace. Students will be introduced to the particulars of the machine and undergo basic maneuvering in our practical training area accessing work areas at various heights and locations. Students are given a revision test and resource for home study.

Day 2 Is a streamlined revision of the critical theory areas and an opportunity for beginners to discuss any areas of difficulty with the trainer. The practical session provides further time for beginner’s to gain confidence and experienced operators to get familiar with our machinery and simulated workplace tasks.

Day 3 is Assessment day. Students must arrive by the exam time, with the required identification or assessment will not be possible. The day begins with a closed-book theory exam, followed by marking and clarification with the Assessor. At the conclusion of the theory exams students will each take the practical exam individually, if they have passed all theory components.

On successful completion of the High Risk Work Licence Assessment students will receive an email from WHSQ to complete the application for a High Risk Work Licence. Please note, government charges apply and are not related to the RTO providing the training/assessment. For fee details go to: https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/licensing-and-registrations/table-of-fees (Charge as of February 2024) is $106.11 and is subject to change.

Book Event

Full 3 Day Course 649
Available Tickets: 7
The Full 3 Day Course ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.


Sep 09 - 11 2024


7:30 am - 4:00 pm
QR Code